In a nutshell...
- Java programmer
- Java EE learner
- Netbeans lover
- Payara user
- Speaker at Netbeans Day Athens, Greece
Social media...
Important Links
Building and Deploying Java EE Microservices on the Cloud [PacktPub - Video]
Use Payara Micro and Microprofile to build your application, AWS and Azure to deploy it
Course link: PacktPub Code: link
Java EE 7 Thesis Project
My thesis project, is a Java EE 7 web service tutoring application. My plan was to create a service that a user can login and purchase courses to view later. It is a full system that performs CRUD operations on a database, uses some of the core APIs (JSF, CDI, EJB, JPA, etc) deployed on Glassfish 4.
The paper can be viewed in google docs form here, where the Greek presentation slides can be found here. A video describing my project can be seen here.
The Aquarium
I was featured on Oracle's The Aquarium when I posted a video describing my thesis project, a Java EE 7 web project using some of the base APIs. The Aquarium blog post
NetBeans Day Greece, Athens 2015
On April 2015, I was honoured to be invited to speak at the first NetBeans Day Greece, in Athens. It was a great opportunity to show my love of NetBeans, Java, Primefaces and my newly acquired knowledge of Java EE 7. You may watch my presentation, check out my slides and also watch a summary of the event.
My 5 Favourite NetBeans Features
Since NetBeans is my IDE of choice, it's only natural to have some favourite features that distinguish it from the rest of the IDEs. I wrote a small article on DZone presenting my five favourite ones. In the same series of articles, even more developers share their favourite parts of NetBeans. Alternatively, you can read the Top 10 features that are mentioned amongst us.
Books I suggest
- Beginning Java EE 7, Antonio Goncalves, Apress
- Java EE 7 Development with NetBeans 8, David Heffelfinger, Packt Publishing
- Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform, Vol. 1, I. Evans, Oracle
- Java EE 7 Recipes, Josh Juneau, Apress
- The Java EE 7 Tutorial, Jendrock, E., Cervera-Navarro, R., Evans, I., Haase, K., Markito, W., Oracle
- Java EE 7 with Glassfish Application Server, David Heffelfinger, Packt Publishing
- JavaServer Faces, Introduction by Example, Josh Juneau, Apress
- Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2, Anghel Leonard, Packt Publishing
- Pro JPA 2, Keith, M., Schincariol, M., Apress
- Beginning EJB 3, Wetherbee, J., Rathod, C., Kodali, R., Zadrozny, P., Apress
- EJB 3 In Action, Debu Panda, Reza Rahman, Ryan Cuprak, Michael Remijan, Manning
- Web Development with Java and JSF, Michael Muller, Leanpub
- Beginning NetBeans IDE, Geertjan Wielenga, Apress
I'm a Java EE Guardian